

My first evening of filming went smoothly, of course there were a lot of mess ups and goofing around now and then but, we're not professionals we were just having fun with it. But I did get the shots I wanted and with extra help from one of my former stars, who due to our teeth malfunction had to settle to be the camera person. Before shooting all of us had to get into our roles and prepare ourselves, it took longer than we had expected, we really didn't know what exactly we were supposed to do. But later we felt more an more comfortable and did well on the shooting. As we went on we ad-lib many things and started to get really creative, it was very fun being able to use our imagination. I didn't have anytime to watch our footage because it was late and I was tired, but today I plan to watch and begin editing. But I'm far from finished as we only finished filming half of the script, we ran out of time, so we still need to finish. Also I've only shot that take place indoors, I haven't taken the shots that take place outside yet, and that might prove to be a little bit more difficult. But I'm still very optimistic thanks to last night and how things went along very smoothly, all my worries melted away. I thought I wasn't going to be able to do any of this because of the topic and acting it out knowing it would be hard to keep a straight face. But It went well and I was worried for nothing.


New Moon

New Moon
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Which was a better Vampire movie? (Watch the trailers below if you haven't seen them.)